Discover the Groundbreaking Work of 8 Female Scientists in Singapore

Consistently ranked as one of the world’s most innovative and business-friendly nations, Singapore is where you’ll find seasoned polymaths and young researchers alike on the verge of scientific breakthroughs. 

Dr. Ayesha Khanna was featured by Singapore Global Network as one of the 8 brilliant female scientists that you should keep your eye on.

2. Ayesha Khanna - Co-founder & CEO, ADDO AI

Ayesha is a leading AI and data science expert in Asia who has advised leading corporations and governments around the world.

In 2017, she co-founded ADDO, a global AI solutions firm headquartered in Singapore and San Francisco, and was subsequently named one of Southeast Asia’s groundbreaking female entrepreneurs by Forbes in 2018. 

Prior to Addo, Ayesha spent over a decade on Wall Street developing large-scale trading, risk management and data analytics systems for leading financial institutions like JP Morgan, UBS, and Bank of America Securities. 

She is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Councils and the Scientific Advisory Board of L’Oreal. She is also the founder of 21st Century Girls, a charity that provides free coding and artificial intelligence classes to girls in Singapore.

This was originally posted by Singapore Global Network.


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Hidden figures no more: Women in STEM are the key to the future