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Amplify With Dr. Ayesha Khanna
China’s Dark Factories Are Running Themselves 24/7
Factories with no workers. Machines running 24/7 in absolute darkness. Robots handling everything from assembly to quality control. No humans so no lights needed. It sounds like science fiction, but in China, it’s becoming reality.
Hear From Our Readers
Gen Z Is Skipping the 9-to-5 and Cashing In
For most kids, a side hustle means mowing lawns for pocket money. For Chase Gallagher (pictured above), it meant building a $1.5 million landscaping business… before he could even drive.
China is Teaching AI to 6-Year-Olds
China is proactively integrating artificial intelligence education into its school curricula, aiming to cultivate a generation well-versed in this pivotal technology. This educational strategy aligns with China's broader objectiv …
This AI-Designed Enzyme Breaks Down Plastic 25x Faster
Plastic waste is everywhere—piling up in landfills, drifting through oceans, even shedding from our clothes. Most of these plastics take hundreds of years to break down.
The AI Race Is Out of Control, AI Pioneers Say
The Turing Award, often called the Nobel Prize of Computing, was awarded this year to Rich Sutton and Andrew Barto for their groundbreaking work in artificial intelligence.
ChatGPT Might Need Therapy Too, Scientists Say
AI models like ChatGPT process massive amounts of human-generated text…including distressing news, traumatic stories, and emotionally charged discussions.
Is That a Robot Bringing Your Tacos?
Your next Uber Eats order might arrive in this small self-driving robot hastily navigating its way down the sidewalk.
The robot is part of a project by Serve Robotics, a company…

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