What is 'hybrid reality'? MSNBC with Melissa Harris-Perry
Ayesha and Parag Khanna share the thesis of their e-book, Hybrid Reality, on MSNBC, where they discuss the integration of technology into everyday life.
Parag and Ayesha Khanna - Welcome to the Hybrid Age
Parag and Ayesha Khanna say tech can alter our reality and our relationships with AI, all of which are expanding and destabilizing our sense of self.
Parag and Ayesha Khanna - Which Nation Has the Best 'Technik'?
Parag and Ayesha Khanna discuss that Technik is about adaptability: the capacity to harness emerging technologies to improve our circumstances.
Parag and Ayesha Khanna - Is Your Job Robot-Proof?
Parag and Ayesha Khanna suggest that Americans can compete through self-employment and transforming education to better prepare for the changing job market.
Generative Cities: The Future of Urban Intelligence
The globally mobile entrepreneur will decide where to invest capital and where to live will depend on a city’s ability to create a personalized urban experience.
India needs to rethink “smart cities”
By 2050, 70% of the world will be urban. The rate of urbanization is staggering, and more than 215 million people in India will migrate to cities by 2015.
Technology Will Take on a Life of Its Own
We are moving into a world where knowledge will become an inexhaustible commodity and transform our sense of self not just for a generation, but forever.
The Future Of Home Living - Dr. Ayesha Khanna
PSFK Labs chats with Dr. Ayesha Khanna, which explores how new technologies are changing the way we interact with our environment.
Time: Intelligent Cities - Northern Stars
Stockholm, named the first European Green Capital in 2010, hopes to turn green into gold by exporting smart power to an energy-conscious world, by 2050.
Dr. Ayesha Khanna Interviewed By Brian Lehrer
Brian Lehrer invited Dr. Ayesha Khanna to explore the latest developments and challenges in the rapidly evolving world of AI.
Long Bus, Short Wait - A Smart City Case of Curitiba, Brazil
In the 1960s, Curitiba was plagued by congestion. Architect Jaime Lerner created an urban-design strategy aiming for an efficient transportation system.
Best Business Books 2009: Globalization
These books offer 3 directional trends: the deepening of regional ties, the rise of new global players, and intractable risks in emerging markets.