Interview with FranceTV: The secrets of Singapore's success
Dr. Ayesha Khanna was interviewed by FranceTV on education in Singapore and how to teach students the skills they need for emerging industries.
Dr. Ayesha Khanna talks with Business Times on work and success
At the Singapore Writers Festival, Ayesha Khanna describes the future worker as a "tech-literate, creative thinker adept at cross-cultural collaboration".
Can ‘externships’ prepare students for the workplace of the future?
Externships lie at the intersection of play and rigor, where the industries of the future will require people to be savvy enough to work with technology.
Serial entrepreneur Ayesha Khanna wants to bridge the skills gap
Dr. Ayesha Khanna was interviewed by e27, Asia’s largest tech media platform, on what she is doing to help spawn the next generation of tech-minded Millennials.
Let's tear down the ivory tower called school
Future industries need creative, resilient students who embrace tinkering and failure. Externships can foster innovation at the intersection of rigor and play.
International Baccalaureate Keynote
Partnerships between industry and academia to expose students to real-life problems is the best way to prepare them for a competitive future where creativity will be rewarded.
Death of the Ivory Tower: Why Applied Education Defines the Future
To prepare for a tech-driven future, governments emphasize coding and robotics. Having applied learning remains vital to avoid robot-replaceable graduates.
Future Forward: Smart Cities
In an episode of Channel News Asia’s “Future Forward” series, Ayesha and Parag Khanna explore some of the smart city strategies around the world.
Inspire children to study technology - Dr. Ayesha Khanna
GE Reports speaks to Ayesha Khanna about how to re-engage young Australians and reignite their enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering and math.
Parag and Ayesha Khanna - Disciplining the Sharing Economy
Parag and Ayesha Khanna discuss the transformation of the sharing economy and how it is impacting the operation of modern economies.
Smart nation, sharing city
The share economy is a highly efficient form of peer-to-peer capitalism, which lets participants mutually determine the value of goods and services on a transactional basis. But it is also chaotic, fraught with consequences that require a rapid evolution in regulations.
Is Singapore the next Silicon Valley? - CNBC Feature
Tech giants like Google are winning the war for talent, encouraging start-ups to go hunt for a new heartland. In Asia, Singapore wants to be the answer.
The digital education revolution
The most effective digital learning model for colleges is the flip teaching model. This involves students receiving instruction at home through online lectures, and doing homework in class where the teacher can mentor them.
Safe City: Beyond the usual suspects
According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word "security" means the "state of being free from danger or threat". But threats in the 21st century are complex and the perpetrators involved are not the usual suspects.
The mouse may be extinct in 2030
Many think technology in education means teaching students to search the Web for answers or teaching pre-schoolers how to use the computer mouse. Instead, children need to be taught how technology works, not merely how to use today’s tools.
The Generative City
Great cities will be increasingly distinguished by their capacity to produce inclusive, sustainable and innovative outcomes. These cities will be driven by empowered citizens, ubiquitous technologies and policies that enable the actors to redefine the way we work, live and play.
Teaching Know How
Disruptive technologies are shattering the notion of a stable career. The 19th-century model of education, which consists of a linear accumulation of credits from elementary school to university, can no longer guarantee success in the 21st century.
Creatively financing future cities — Dr. Ayesha Khanna
Asia’s infrastructural needs – in areas like power and transportation – will require $8 trillion ($9.83 trillion) of investment within the next decade.
Parag and Ayesha Khanna foresee a hybrid future
In their book, Hybrid Reality, Parag and Ayesha Khanna argue that global connectivity and innovation will open opportunities to all who embrace them.
It's the technology, stupid - Dr. Ayesha Khanna
China's superpower growth via tech-driven manufacturing calls for prioritizing geo-technology over geopolitics and geo-economics.